Guy, Stephen J.Chhugani, JatinCurtis, SeanDubey, PradeepLin, MingManocha, DineshMZoran Popovic and Miguel Otaduy2014-01-292014-01-292010978-3-905674-27-91727-5288 present a new algorithm for simulating large-scale crowds at interactive rates based on the Principle of Least Effort. Our approach uses an optimization method to compute a biomechanically energy-efficient, collision-free trajectory that minimizes the amount of effort for each heterogeneous agent in a large crowd. Moreover, the algorithm can automatically generate many emergent phenomena such as lane formation, crowd compression, edge and wake effects ant others. We compare the results from our simulations to data collected from prior studies in pedestrian and crowd dynamics, and provide visual comparisons with real-world video. In practice, our approach can interactively simulate large crowds with thousands of agents on a desktop PC and naturally generates a diverse set of emergent behaviorsCategories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.2.11 [Artificial Intelligence]: Distributed Artificial Intelligence-Multiagent systemsPLEdestrians: A Least-Effort Approach to Crowd Simulation