Silvennoinen, AriSloan, Peter-PikeBousseau, Adrien and McGuire, Morgan2021-07-122021-07-1220211467-8659 study the problem of efficient representation of potentially high-dimensional, spatially coherent signals in the context of precomputed light transport. We present a basis decomposition framework, Moving Basis Decomposition (MBD), that generalizes many existing basis expansion methods and enables high-performance, seamless reconstruction of compressed data. We develop an algorithm for solving large-scale MBD problems. We evaluate MBD against state-of-the-art in a series of controlled experiments and describe a real-world application, where MBD serves as the backbone of a scalable global illumination system powering multiple, current and upcoming 60Hz AAA-titles running on a wide range of hardware platforms.Computing methodologiesRenderingImage compressionMoving Basis Decomposition for Precomputed Light Transport10.1111/cgf.14346127-137