Khlebnikov, RostislavKainz, BernhardRoth, BernhardMuehl, JudithSchmalstieg, DieterR. Laramee and I. S. Lim2014-02-062014-02-0620111017-4656 present a novel on-the-fly scatter approximation scheme that can be applied concurrently to multiple volumetric datasets. We use a simplified version of the emission-absorption model, including single scattering and shadowing and guide the scatter sample positions and in-scatter coefficients by local gradients. This allows us to render multiple intersecting volumes with our rendering system with clearly visible improvements in rendering quality over local illumination models, while maintaining interactive frame-rates.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Picture/Image Generation-Display algorithmsGPU Based On-the-fly Light Emission-absorption Approximation for Direct Multi-volume Rendering