Gallo, OrazioTico, MariusManduchi, RobertoGelfand, NatashaPulli, KariP. Cignoni and T. Ertl2015-02-282015-02-2820121467-8659 creating a High-Dynamic-Range (HDR) image from a sequence of differently exposed Low-Dynamic-Range (LDR) images, the set of LDR images is usually generated by sampling the space of exposure times with a geometric progression and without explicitly accounting for the distribution of irradiance values of the scene. We argue that this choice can produce sub-optimal results both in terms of the number of acquired pictures and the quality of the resulting HDR image. This paper presents a method to estimate the full irradiance histogram of a scene, and a strategy to select the set of exposures that need to be acquired. Our selection usually requires a smaller or equal set of LDRs, yet produces higher quality HDR images.Metering for Exposure Stacks10.1111/j.1467-8659.2012.03027.x