Porral, PhilippeLucas, LaurentMuller, ThomasRandrianandrasana, JoëlReinhard Klein and Holly Rushmeier2018-08-292018-08-292018978-3-03868-055-02309-5059https://doi.org/10.2312/mam.20181192https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/mam20181192In the field of computer graphics, the simulation of the visual appearance of materials requires an accurate computation of the light transport equation. Consequently, material models need to take into account various factors which may influence the spectral radiance perceived by the human eye. Though numerous relevant studies on the reflectance properties of materials have been conducted to date, environment maps used to simulate visual behaviors remain chiefly trichromatic. Whereas questions regarding the accurate characterization of natural lighting have been raised for some time, there are still no real sky environment maps that include both spectral radiance and polarization data. Under these conditions the simulations carried out are approximate and therefore insufficient for the industrial world where investment-sensitive decisions are often made based on these very calculations.I.3.1 [Computer Graphics]Hardware ArchitectureInput devicesI.3.7 [Computer Graphics]Three Dimensional Graphics and RealismRaytracingI.6.8 [Simulation and Modeling]Types of SimulationVisualJ.2 [Computer Applications]Physical Sciences and EngineeringEngineeringIso Photographic Rendering10.2312/mam.2018119211-14