Vanderhaeghe, DavidBarla, PascalThollot, JoelleSillion, Francois X.Jan Kautz and Sumanta Pattanaik2014-01-272014-01-272007978-3-905673-52-41727-3463 present a new point distribution algorithm that is well adapted to stroke-based rendering systems. Its main characteristic is to deal efficiently with three conflicting constraints: the distribution of points should retain a good repartition in 2D; their motion should tightly follow the target motion in the underlying scene; and as few points as possible should be added or deleted from frame to frame. We show that previous methods fail to meet at least one of these constraints in the general case, as opposed to our approach that is independent of scene complexity and motion. As a result, our algorithm is able to take 3D scenes as well as videos as input and create non-uniform distributions with good temporal coherence and density properties. To illustrate it, we show applications in four different styles: stippling, pointillism, hatching and painterly.Dynamic Point Distribution for Stroke-based Rendering