Funahashi, KenjiMatsunoo, YuzukiAbey CampbellClaudia KrogmeierGareth Young2023-12-042023-12-042023978-3-03868-236-31727-530X may sometimes sense an unseen-presence when someone is behind you. We propose a novel method to show pseudopresence through visual perception using only a standard HMD. This goal is not to promote a clear perception of the five senses, but rather to somehow subconsciously perceive a sense of presence.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Human-centered computing → Interaction design; Empirical studies in interaction designHumancentered computing → Interaction designEmpirical studies in interaction designA Visual Approach to Pseudo Unseen Presence in the Metaverse Using HMD10.2312/egve.202313295-62 pages