Walter, StefanStraßmann, GerdSchmitt, MarcoGröller, E., Löffelmann, H., Ribarsky, W.2015-11-162015-11-161999978-3-7091-6803-5EG: 1727-5296Springer: 0946-2767 radiotherapy is the kind of radiotherapy where the remains of a surgically not completely removed tumour are irradiated at the open situ of the patient. The current main drawback of this radiotherapy is the insufficient documentation of the applied radiation and the lack of a possibility for an individual treatment planning. This work presents a system that is a conmlon development of Fraunhofer IGD, Städtische Klinik Offenbach and MedCom GmbH which offers a possibility for supervision of the placement of the irradiation flabs through interactive navigation in eT data acquired from the patient, the creation of a documentation of the applied isodose as well as the possibility for an individual treatment planning.Advances in Quality Control of Intraoperative Radiotherapy10.2312/vissym19991000