Buck, ValentinStäbler, FlemmingGonzález, EverardoGreinert, JensDutta, Soumya and Feige, Kathrin and Rink, Karsten and Zeckzer, Dirk2021-06-122021-06-122021978-3-03868-148-9https://doi.org/10.2312/envirvis.20211081https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/envirvis20211081A comprehensive study of the Earth System and its different environments requires understanding of multi-dimensional data acquired with a multitude of different sensors or produced by various models. Here we present a component-wise scalable web-based framework for simultaneous visualisation of multiple data sources. It helps contextualise mixed observation and simulation data in time and space.Digital Earth Viewer: a 4D Visualisation Platform for Geoscience Datasets10.2312/envirvis.2021108133-37