Tortorici, ClaudioWerghi, NaoufelBerretti, StefanoBiasotti, Silvia and Pintus, Ruggero and Berretti, Stefano2020-11-122020-11-122020978-3-03868-124-32617-4855 mesh manifold is one of the most used modalities for representing 3D objects. Although it provides a fully connected not oriented structure, it has some drawback when compared to the grid of pixels of a still image. Indeed, mesh manifolds do not hold any order information, neither locally nor globally, which makes some operation computationally expensive or even impossible. To unleash its potential and to benefit from its capability of representing the 3D information, further advancements have to be made in order to allow basic operations (i.e., convolution) and effective descriptor extraction. In this paper, we present our preliminary study on a new approach to extract Iso-Geodesic points on a mesh manifold. The approach can be applied in various applications, from feature extraction, to convolution operation and mesh reconstruction. It also revealed to be robust to variations of mesh surface and tessellation, providing an effective geodesic distance approximation.Computing methodologiesMesh geometry modelsExtracting Ordered Iso-Geodesic Points on the Mesh10.2312/stag.20201245113-117