Owen, G. ScottSunderraman, RajZhang, YanqingJosé Carlos TeixeiraWerner HansmannMichael B. McGrath2023-03-092023-03-092023978-3-03868-207-3https://doi.org/10.2312/pt.19991571https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/pt19991571The ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee web site is being evolved into a Digital Library that will be a worldwide resource for Grapltics and Visualization Education. We discuss the history of the website, including a long-standing partnership with the National Science Foundation, and the current work to evolve it into a Digital Library. Finally, we discuss a proposed vision of the future of the Digital Library and how we plan to achieve that vision.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseDigital Library, XML, graphics and Visualization educationDigital LibraryXMLgraphics and Visualization educationThe Development of a Digital Library to Support the Teaching of Computer Graphics and Visualization10.2312/pt.1999157159-646 pages