Becher, MichaelGroß, AnjaWerner, PeterMaierhofer, MathiasReina, GuidoErtl, ThomasMenges, AchimWeiskopf, DanielHoellt, ThomasAigner, WolfgangWang, Bei2023-06-102023-06-102023978-3-03868-219-6 architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC), load-bearing truss structures are commonly modeled as a set of connected beam elements. For complex 3D structures, rendering beam elements as line segments presents several challenges due densely overlapping elements, including visual clutter, and general depth perception issues. Furthermore, line segments provide very little area for displaying additional element attributes. In this paper, we investigate the effectiveness of rendering effects for reducing visual clutter and improving depth perception for truss structures specifically, such as distance-based brightness attenuation and screen-space ambient occlusion (SSAO). Additionally, we provide multiple options for multi-attribute visualization directly on the structure and evaluate both aspects with two expert interviews.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Computing methodologies -> Rendering; Human-centered computing -> VisualizationComputing methodologiesRenderingHuman centered computingVisualizationMulti-attribute Visualization and Improved Depth Perception for the Interactive Analysis of 3D Truss Structures10.2312/evs.2023104461-655 pages