Oeltze, S.Kuß, A.Grothues, F.Hennemuth, A.Preim, B.Beatriz Sousa Santos and Thomas Ertl and Ken Joy2014-01-312014-01-3120063-905673-31-21727-5296https://doi.org/10.2312/VisSym/EuroVis06/131-138We present static and dynamic techniques to visualize perfusion data and to relate perfusion data to morphologic image data. In particular, we describe the integrated analysis of MRI myocardial perfusion data with CT coronary angiographies depicting the morphology. We refined the Bull s-Eye Plot, a wide-spread and accepted analysis tool in cardiac diagnosis, to show aggregated information of perfusion data at rest and under stress. The correlation between regions of the myocard with reduced perfusion and 3d renditions of the coronary vessels can be explored within a synchronized visualization of both. With our research, we attempt to improve the diagnosis of early stage coronary artery disease.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): J.3 [Life and Medical Sciences]: HealthIntegrated Visualization of Morphologic and Perfusion Data for the Analysis of Coronary Artery Disease