Sheidin, JuliaLanir, JoelBak, PeterKuflik, TsviBarbora Kozlikova and Tobias Schreck and Thomas Wischgoll2017-06-122017-06-122017978-3-03868-043-7 maps (see Figure 1) are designed to represent the temporal and spatial evolution of the reporting of a single news story. The visualization presents a compact representation that tells the story of the story in one glance. We show how our visualization can provide an imprint for different types of stories, enabling both comparison to other stories and means for analysis of the influence and evolution of a story. We demonstrate our technique on data coming from an online news aggregator platform. While specifically designed for news events, the method is also applicable for various types of time-series data that include intervening evolving events.I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]Picture/Image GenerationLine and curve generationTime-Ray Maps: Visualization of Spatial and Temporal Evolution of News Stories10.2312/eurovisshort.2017113885-89