Prieto, D. FernandezZeckzer, D.Hernández, J. T.P. Rosenthal and R. S. Laramee and M. Kirby and G. L. Kindlmann2014-01-262014-01-262013978-3-905674-56-9 techniques and evaluations are very important for the design of interactive visualizations. We applied the UCIV4 Planning Approach (User-Centered Interactive Visualizations for Planning) within the project ''Bogotá 21''. This approach proposes three activities that aim at gathering information about users and perform early evaluations as part of the end of each phase of the process. This paper presents the lessons learned from applying this user-centered approach to the ''Bogotá 21'' project and provides recommendations for improving future instantiations of this and approach and the included evaluations.H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]User InterfacesUsercentered designUsing User-Centered Techniques for the Design and Evaluation of Interactive Visualizations to Support Urban and Regional Planning: Case Study Bogota 21