Carriço, LuísSá, Marco deDuarte, LuísReis, TiagoChambel, Teresa and Nunes, Nuno and Romao, Teresa and Creissac Campos, José2021-11-032021-11-032021978-3-03868-167-0 therapy for pathologies such as depression, anxiety, among others, often leads patients to group therapy sessions, where patients and therapists interact and share their experiences. Besides including the challenges that are present in any kind of meeting settings, psychotherapy, for its critical health scenario, presents difficulties that have not yet been approached by currently used groupware. This paper introduces a system, which uses mobile devices and a large public screen, to support group therapy sessions. It encompasses a variety of functionalities that provide both therapists and patients with necessary means to enhance and fulfil their particular tasks during and between sessions.CSCWPsychotherapyMobile DevicesGroupwareSmart BoardsSupporting Group Analysis in Psychotherapy10.2312/pt.2006153053-56