Chitalu, Floyd M.Dubach, ChristopheKomura, TakuPanozzo, Daniele and Assarsson, Ulf2020-05-242020-05-2420201467-8659 present a simple, efficient and low-memory technique, targeting fast construction of bounding volume hierarchies (BVH) for broad-phase collision detection. To achieve this, we devise a novel representation of BVH trees in memory. We develop a mapping of the implicit index representation to compact memory locations, based on simple bit-shifts, to then construct and evaluate bounding volume test trees (BVTT) during collision detection with real-time performance. We model the topology of the BVH tree implicitly as binary encodings which allows us to determine the nodes missing from a complete binary tree using the binary representation of the number of missing nodes. The simplicity of our technique allows for fast hierarchy construction achieving over 6x speedup over the state-of-the-art. Making use of these characteristics, we show that not only it is feasible to rebuild the BVH at every frame, but that using our technique, it is actually faster than refitting and more memory efficient.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseComputing methodologiesCollision detectionBinary Ostensibly-Implicit Trees for Fast Collision Detection10.1111/cgf.13948509-521