Shurkhovetskyy, GeorgiySchumacher, PolKoytek, PhilippArleo, Alessiovan den Elzen, Stefvon Landesberger, TatianaRehse, Jana-RebeccaPufahl, LuiseZerbato, Francesca2024-05-212024-05-212024978-3-03868-254-7 systems across various industries become more common every year. Organizations aim to leverage data collected by such systems to gain useful knowledge and, ultimately, improve their business processes. Process analysis is often facilitated by visual analytics enriched with interactions. However, a systematic evaluation of applicability and implication of use of known interaction techniques to process mining tasks is missing. In this paper, we provide an overview of interaction methods used at Celonis and propose their initial categorization in the context of process mining. We then describe further challenges of interactive visualizations for process analysis from an industry perspective. Finally, we offer directions for future user studies and research to further strengthen the combination of process mining with visual analytics.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Human-centered computing → Visual analyticsHuman centered computing → Visual analyticsInteracting with Large Process Data: Challenges in Visual Exploration10.2312/vipra.202411026 pages