Antonov, AnatoliyLohmann, GerritIonita, MonicaDima, MihaiLinsen, LarsKarsten Rink and Dirk Zeckzer and Roxana Bujack and Stefan Jänicke2018-06-022018-06-022018978-3-03868-063-5 analyses of geoscientific data and their features require a lot of manual scripting to organize various tools and software libraries. We present a tool developed to cover the typical workflow of the task of analyzing dependencies between regions of the climate system. We propose an interactive visual analysis tool that uses a series of automated analysis steps combined with an interactive visual exploration of patterns in the data. We base our analysis on the statistical approach of strongest negative correlations for discovery of teleconnections. The interactive visual analysis process uses selecting, highlighting, and filtering in four coordinated views. The views represent teleconnectivity information within a teleconnectivity map and a teleconnectivity links list as well as correlation information within a correlation map and a projection view of the correlation space. We apply the tool to different datasets to demonstrate its capabilities for the analysis and comparison of correlation patterns.Interactive Visual Exploration of Teleconnections in Atmospheric Datasets10.2312/envirvis.201811311-8