Ming, QiErdt, MariusKan, ChenLee, EugeneVoß, GerritMüller-Wittig, WolfgangM. Bronstein and M. Teschner2015-04-152015-04-152015https://doi.org/10.2312/eged.20151026In this paper, we present a solution for educational presentation which can integrate images, documents, videos, and especially 3D models in a tree based structure. The solution is based on HTML5 and JavaScript, using SVG and X3D techniques and interacting with multi-touch events, therefore supporting multi-touch surfaces that can run a fully-functional browser. In practice, our solution is used for demonstrations both on tablet PCs and a multi-touch video wall.K.3.2 [Computer and Information Science Education]Computer Science Education"InfoView3D: A Solution Showing Educational Model on Multi-Touch Surfaces10.2312/eged.2015102641-42