Simmons, H.Devi, R.Ens, BarrettBillinghurst, MarkTony Huang and Arindam Dey2017-11-212017-11-212017978-3-03868-052-9 paper presents a comparative evaluation of two gesture recognition sensors and their ability to detect small, movements known as micro-gestures. In this work we explore the capabilities of these devices by testing if users can reliably use the sensors to select a target using a simple 1D user interface element. We implemented three distinct gestures, including a large gesture of moving the whole hand up and down; a smaller gesture of moving a finger up and down and; and a small movement of the thumb against the forefinger to represent a virtual slider. Demo participants will be able to experience these three gestures with to sensing devices, a Leap Motion and Google Soli.Humancentered computingGestural inputComparative Evaluation of Sensor Devices for Micro-Gestures10.2312/egve.2017138237-38