Köhn, AlexanderWeiler, FlorianKlein, JanKonrad, OlafHahn, HorstPeitgen, Heinz-OttoPaolo Cignoni and Jiri Sochor2015-07-142015-07-142007https://doi.org/10.2312/egs.20071048We present a novel software assistant that unlocks new potentials in neurosurgical planning and risk assessment. It allows surgeons to approach the task in an intuitive manner, by providing them with the possibility to simultaneously observe all relevant data of a case in synchronized 2D and 3D views. State-of-the-art technologies from the field of computer graphics are combined to allow simultaneous interactive rendering of anatomical and functional MR data in combination with manually segmented objects and slice-based overlays. This allows surgeons to perceive a clearer impression of the anatomical and functional structures affected by an intervention, and especially the way they are related to each other. Thus, it significantly facilitates the finding of an optimal intervention strategy.State-of-the-Art Computer Graphics in Neurosurgical Planning and Risk Assessment10.2312/egs.20071048117-120