Gangopadhyay, AalokSingh, PrajwalTiwari, AshishRaman, ShanmuganathanChaine, RaphaƫlleDeng, ZhigangKim, Min H.2023-10-092023-10-092023978-3-03868-234-9 art is an exciting form of sculptural art that produces captivating artistic effects through the 2D shadows cast by 3D shapes. Hand shadows, also known as shadow puppetry or shadowgraphy, involve creating various shapes and figures using your hands and fingers to cast meaningful shadows on a wall. In this work, we propose a differentiable rendering-based approach to deform hand models such that they cast a shadow consistent with a desired target image and the associated lighting configuration. We showcase the results of shadows cast by a pair of two hands and the interpolation of hand poses between two desired shadow images. We believe that this work will be a useful tool for the graphics community.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Computing methodologies -> Rendering; Optimization; Neural NetsComputing methodologiesRenderingOptimizationNeural NetsHand Shadow Art: A Differentiable Rendering Perspective10.2312/pg.20231279107-1082 pages