Keshtkar, HosseinAburumman, NadineSingh, GurpritChu, Mengyu (Rachel)2023-05-032023-05-032023978-3-03868-211-01017-4656 present a physically-based model to simulate droplet behaviours when impacted on a solid surface. Our model creates the coalescence, spreading, and break-up deformations that occur when a liquid droplet collides with a solid surface. We model the attraction-repulsion forces within an improved free surface Incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (ISPH) framework that includes contact force and cohesion force between particles. The results show that our model is effective in simulating several small-scale liquid phenomena.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Computing methodologies -> Physical simulationComputing methodologiesPhysical simulationDropSPH: ISPH Simulation of Droplet Interactions with a Solid Surface10.2312/egp.2023102713-142 pages