Coelho, JoséGomes, GonçaloMatos, EduardoDuarte, CarlosMagalhães, Luís and Santos, Beatriz2020-12-112020-12-112020978-3-03868-131-1 networks have become a pervasive instrument of information consumption and production. With their growing availability, they have become ubiquitous tools to share and consume information in many different content formats. In this paper, we survey how the different content formats and their sources influence social network's usage. The results show that the importance of different media types is perceived differently depending on whether users are producing of consuming media. They also show that different sources of content are given different importance by Facebook users, and that sources also impact the importance of the media type of the information consumed.Facebookmedia consumptionsharingsurveysocial networksgroupsA Survey About Media Content Consumption in Social Network Platforms10.2312/pt.2013133237-40