Pacanowski, RomainGranier, XavierSchlick, ChristophePoulin, PierreChristine Alvarado and Marie-Paule Cani2014-01-282014-01-282008978-3-905674-07-11812-3503 computer graphics, highlights capture much of the appearance of light reflection off a surface. They are generally limited to pre-defined models (e.g., Phong, Blinn) or to measured data. In this paper, we introduce new tools and a corresponding highlight model to provide computer graphics artists a more expressive approach to design highlights. For each defined light key-direction, the artist simply sketches and paints the main highlight features (shape, intensity, and color) on a plane oriented perpendicularly to the reflected direction. For other light-and- view configurations, our system smoothly blends the different user-defined highlights. Based on GPU cabilities, our solution allows real-time editing and feedback. We illustrate our approach with a wide range of highlights, with complex shapes and varying colors. This solution also demonstrates the simplicity of introduced tools.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Line and Curve GenerationSketch and Paint-based Interface for Highlight Modeling