Caputo, Fabio MarcoPrebianca, PietroCarcangiu, AlessandroSpano, Lucio D.Giachetti, AndreaAndrea Giachetti and Paolo Pingi and Filippo Stanco2017-09-112017-09-112017978-3-03868-048-2 this paper we present a simple 3D gesture recognizer based on trajectory matching, showing its good performances in classification and retrieval of command gestures based on single hand trajectories. We demonstrate that further simplifications in porting the classic "1 dollar" algorithm approach from the 2D to the 3D gesture recognition and retrieval problems can result in very high classification accuracy and retrieval scores even on datasets with a large number of different gestures executed by different users. Furthermore, recognition can be good even with heavily subsampled path traces and with incomplete gestures.Humancentered computingGestural inputA 3 Cent Recognizer: Simple and Effective Retrieval and Classification of Mid-air Gestures from Single 3D Traces10.2312/stag.201712219-15