Fons, PereBuades, Jose MariaPerales, FraniscoGimeno Sancho, JesúsComino Trinidad, Marc2023-07-022023-07-022023978-3-03868-230-1 novel programmable shader is proposed to accurately simulate the main important human visual defects under different situations in daily life. An improved model of eye model is introduced to reasonably predict the anatomical and optical properties of the human eye. This eye model is composed of an accommodation and color model, and both these models are combined to simulate the varying refractive power of the human eye and color vision deficiency. Finally, distributed ray tracing techniques is combined with this eye model to produce a variety of visual results using the programmable shader in NVIDIA OptiX environment.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Computing methodologies → Ray tracing; Human-centered computing → Accessibility technologiesComputing methodologies → Ray tracingHumancentered computing → Accessibility technologiesAn adaptative Shader for Human Visual Defects Simulation10.2312/ceig.202311449-135 pages