Mahmudi, MentarHarish, PawanCallennec, Benoît LeBoulic, RonanJan Bender2016-07-102016-07-102016978-3-03868-020-8 present a method that uses a sketch-based interface in conjunction with a parallelized per-frame inverse kinematics (Parallel- PFIK) method for the purpose of motion editing. The artist creates and edits 3D constraints through an intuitive and easy to use 2D interface. These constraints are passed to Parallel-PFIK in order to solve for the joint angles of the character in a fast and efficient manner. Parallel-PFIK employs multicore processors and current generation GPUs extending parallel damped least squares inverse kinematics to multiple frames in order to solve the entire animation in real time. Our method allows users to create and edit 3D animations using an intuitive 2D sketch-based interface bringing 2D artist into 3D character animation.I.3.8 [Computer Graphics]Three Dimensional Graphics and RealismAnimationSketch-Based Per-Frame Inverse Kinematics10.2312/sca.20161243Mentar Mahmudi, Pawan Harish, Benoît Le Callennec, and Ronan Boulic-Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.8 [Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism-Animation