Abbott, MarcusDavid Arnold and Jaime Kaminski and Franco Niccolucci and Andre Stork2013-11-082013-11-082012978-3-905673-97-5 paper summarises the results of a virtual archaeological analysis on the stones at Stonehenge. Based on laser scan survey, all observations and discoveries were made in the virtual world. The results of this project are significant to all heritage sites that have been preserved by digital record. The study focuses on evaluating and developing techniques for revealing new information on heritage sites that have extensive laser scan archives. In examining the complete laser scan data archive for Stonehenge, ground-breaking numbers of prehistoric features have been discovered in the survey data. The creation of a virtual archaeological methodology has enormous potential to contribute to the future study of these digital archives.I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]Picture/Image GenerationVisualising Stonehenge: A Virtual Archaeology