Boucher, MagdalenaStoiber, ChristinaAigner, WolfgangKrone, MichaelLenti, SimoneSchmidt, Johanna2022-06-022022-06-022022978-3-03868-185-4 Literacy as a skill is becoming important, as growing amounts of data require complex ways of visualizing and interpreting them. Yet, it is hardly taught during general education, and not many resources conveying visualization knowledge in an easily accessible way exist. We draw on the notion of data comics, which are already well-suited for communicating visualization insights, but so far have not been explored in the context of teaching visualization skills. We aim to map the research landscape around this idea through a systematic literature research and present a first overview of related areas and how they might influence data comics used to enhance visualization literacy.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Human-centered computing --> Visualization theory, concepts and paradigmsHuman centered computingVisualization theoryconcepts and paradigmsUsing Data Comics to Enhance Visualization Literacy10.2312/evp.2022112059-613 pages