Marras, StefanoMura, ClaudioGobbetti, EnricoScateni, RiccardoScopigno, RobertoEnrico Puppo and Andrea Brogni and Leila De Floriani2014-01-272014-01-272010978-3-905673-80-7 advent of GPGPU technologies has allowed for sensible speed-ups in many high-dimension, memory-intensive computational problems. In this paper we demonstrate the e ectiveness of such techniques by describing two applications of GPGPU computing to two di erent subfields of computer graphics, namely computer vision and mesh processing. In the first case, CUDA technology is employed to accelerate the computation of approximation of motion between two images, known also as optical flow. As for mesh processing, we exploit the massivelyparallel architecture of CUDA devices to accelerate the face clustering procedure that is employed in many recent mesh segmentation algorithms. In both cases, the results obtained so far are presented and thoroughly discussed, along with the expected future development of the work.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Picture/Image Generation-Line and curve generationTwo Examples of GPGPU Acceleration of Memory-intensive Algorithms