Ronfard, RémiGandhi, VineetBoiron, LaurentMurukutla, Vaishnavi AmeyaRonfard, RémiWu, Hui-Yin2022-04-202022-04-202022978-3-03868-173-12411-9733 prose storyboard language is a formal language for describing movies shot by shot, where each shot is described with a unique sentence. The language uses a simple syntax and limited vocabulary borrowed from working practices in traditional movie-making and is intended to be readable both by machines and humans. The language has been designed over the last ten years to serve as a high-level user interface for intelligent cinematography and editing systems. In this new paper, we present the latest evolution of the language, and the results of an extensive annotation exercise showing the benefits of the language in the task of annotating the sophisticated cinematography and film editing of classic movies.CCS Concepts: Applied computing --> Media artsApplied computingMedia artsThe Prose Storyboard Language: A Tool for Annotating and Directing Movies10.2312/wiced.2022104813-2715 pages