Reu, Jeroen DeClercq, Wim DeLaloo, Pieter-2015-04-272015-04-272013 have examined image-based 3D modeling for the generation of orthophotos and digital surface models of archaeological surfaces and features. Our results suggest that image-based 3D modeling can be both a time-efficient and cost-effective as well as a scientific valuable method to document archaeological excavations. Although there are limitations, these are greatly surpassed by the possibilities. We believe that image-based 3D modeling can cause a(n) (r)evolution in archaeological excavation practice.{Computer visionSolid modelingThreedimensional displaysarchaeological heritagecomputer visionexcavation methodologystructure from motionthreedimensional registration}Orthophoto mapping and digital surface modeling for archaeological excavations. An image-based 3D modeling approach10.1109/DigitalHeritage.2013.6743734