Zhao, XiaotianOkuyama, TakafumiLee, Sung-Hee and Zollmann, Stefanie and Okabe, Makoto and Wünsche, Burkhard2021-10-142021-10-142021978-3-03868-162-5https://doi.org/10.2312/pg.20211395https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/pg20211395Volumetric video contents are attracting much attention across various industries for their six-degrees-of-freedom (6DoF) viewing experience. However, in terms of streaming, volumetric video contents still present challenges such as high data volume and bandwidth consumption, which results in high stress on the network. To solve this issue, we propose a method using frontmesh 3D data to reduce the data size without affecting the visual quality much from a user's perspective. The proposed method also reduces decoding and import time on the client side, which enables faster playback of 3D data. We evaluated our method in terms of data reduction and computation complexity and conducted a qualitative analysis by comparing rendering results with reference data at different diagonal angles. Our method successfully reduces data volume and computation complexity with minimal visual quality loss.Information systemsMultimedia streamingComputing methodologiesImage compressionVolumetric Video Streaming Data Reduction Method Using Front-mesh 3D Data10.2312/pg.2021139573-74