Tang, PengbinCoros, StelianThomaszewski, BernhardDominik L. MichelsSoeren Pirk2022-08-102022-08-1020221467-8659https://doi.org/10.1111/cgf.14626https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.1111/cgf14626Strain limiting is a widely used approach for simulating biphasic materials such as woven textiles and biological tissue that exhibit a soft elastic regime followed by a hard deformation limit. However, existing methods are either based on slowly converging local iterations, or offer no guarantees on convergence. In this work, we propose a new approach to strain limiting based on second order cone programming (SOCP). Our work is based on the key insight that upper bounds on per-triangle deformations lead to convex quadratic inequality constraints. Though nonlinear, these constraints can be reformulated as inclusion conditions on convex sets, leading to a second order cone programming problem-a convex optimization problem that a) is guaranteed to have a unique solution and b) allows us to leverage efficient conic programming solvers. We first cast strain limiting with anisotropic bounds on stretching as a quadratically constrained quadratic program (QCQP), then show how this QCQP can be mapped to a second order cone programming problem. We further propose a constraint reflection scheme and empirically show that it exhibits superior energy-preservation properties compared to conventional end-of-step projection methods. Finally, we demonstrate our prototype implementation on a set of examples and illustrate how different deformation limits can be used to model a wide range of material behaviors.A Second Order Cone Programming Approach for Simulating Biphasic Materials10.1111/cgf.1462687-937 pages