Dravecky, PeterStephenson, IanVangorp, PeterHunter, David2023-09-122023-09-122023978-3-03868-231-8https://doi.org/10.2312/cgvc.20231197https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/cgvc20231197Particle systems in CG often encounter performance issues when all the particles rely on mutual influence, producing an O(N2) performance. The Barnes-Hut approximation is used in the field of astrophysics to provide sufficiently accurate results in O(Nlog(N)) time. Here we explore a hardware accelerated implementation of this algorithm, implemented within SideFX Houdini - the commercial tool typically used for particle work in film. We are able to demonstrate a workflow with integrates into the existing artist friendly environment, with performance improved by orders of magnitudes for typically large simulations, and negligible visual change in results.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Computing methodologies -> Scientific visualization; Massively parallel and high-performance simulations; Massively parallel algorithms; Applied computing -> Media artsComputing methodologiesScientific visualizationMassively parallel and highperformance simulationsMassively parallel algorithmsApplied computingMedia artsUsing The Barnes-Hut Approximation for Fast N-Body Simulations in Computer Graphics10.2312/cgvc.2023119777-804 pages