He, LiangPan, JiaNarang, SahilManocha, DineshLadislav Kavan and Chris Wojtan2016-07-102016-07-102016978-3-03868-009-31727-5288https://doi.org/10.2312/sca.20161231https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/sca20161231We present a new algorithm to simulate dynamic group behaviors for interactive multi-agent crowd simulation. Our approach is general and makes no assumption about the environment, shape, or size of the groups.We use the least effort principle to perform coherent group navigation and present efficient inter-group and intra-group maintenance techniques. We extend the reciprocal collision avoidance scheme to perform agent-group and group-group collision avoidance that can generate collision-free and coherent trajectories. The additional overhead of dynamic group simulation is relatively small. We highlight its interactive performance in complex scenarios with hundreds of agents and highlight its benefits over prior methods.Dynamic Group Behaviors for Interactive Crowd Simulation10.2312/sca.20161231139-147