Bidarra, RafaelBronsvoort, Willem F.António Augusto de SousaJosé Carlos Teixeira2023-02-032023-02-032023978-3-03868-197-7 feature-based modelling systems fail to adequately maintain feature semantics. This is partly due to inappropriate specification of validity conditions in feature classes, but mainly due to a Jack of effective validity maintenance mechanisms throughout the modelling process. An essential aspect in this is feature interaction management. This paper presents a new approach to the detection of feature interactions, which uses semantic and interaction constraints in feature class specification. Validity maintenance is automatically performed after each modelling operation by checking these constraints, thus being able to detect a variety of interaction types. Such interactions are then analyzed, and their causes identified and reported to the user.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseValidity Maintenance of Models with Interacting Features10.2312/pt.1998148165-7915 pages