Fischer, JonathanRosenthal, PaulLinsen, LarsReina, GuidoRizzi, Silvio2024-05-212024-05-212024978-3-03868-243-11727-348X various space partitioning approaches for managing point sets out-of-core, octrees are commonly used for being simple and effective. An efficient and adaptive out-of-core octree construction method has been proposed by Kontkanen et al. [KTO11], generating the octree data in a single sweep over the points sorted in Morton order, for a given maximum point count m per octree leaf. Their method keeps m+1 points in memory during the process, which may become an issue for large m. We present an extension to their algorithm that requires a minimum of two points to be held in memory in addition to a limited sequence of integers, thus adapting their method for use cases with large m. Moreover, we do not compute Morton codes explicitly but rather perform both the sorting and the octree generation directly on the point data, supporting coordinates of any finite precision.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseComputing methodologies → Rendering; Point-based modelsComputing methodologies → RenderingPointbased modelsEfficient Construction of Out-of-Core Octrees for Managing Large Point Sets10.2312/pgv.202411315 pages