Fan, ChaoranHauser, HelwigMatthias Hullin and Reinhard Klein and Thomas Schultz and Angela Yao2017-09-252017-09-252017978-3-03868-049-9 is at the heart of most modern visual analytics solutions with coordinated, multiple views and effective brushing is crucial for swift and efficient processes in data exploration and analysis. Given a certain data subset that the user wishes to brush in a data visualization, traditional brushes are usually either accurate (like the lasso) or fast (e.g., a simple geometry like a rectangle or circle). In this paper, we now present a new, fast and accurate brushing technique for scatterplots, based on the Mahalanobis brush, which we have extended and then optimized using data from a user study. We explain the principal, sketchbased model of our new brushing technique (based on a simple click-and-drag interaction), the details of the user study and the related parameter optimization, as well as a quantitative evaluation, considering efficiency, accuracy, and also a comparison with the original Mahalanobis brush.Humancentered computingInteraction techniquesComputing methodologiesOptimization algorithmsUser-study Based Optimization of Fast and Accurate Mahalanobis Brushing in Scatterplots10.2312/vmv.2017126277-84