Bues, MatthiasBlach, RolandStegmaier, SimonHäfner, UlrichHoffmann, HilkoHaselberger, FrankB. Froehlich and J. Deisinger and H.-J. Bullinger2014-01-272014-01-27200132118367131727-530Xhttps://doi.org/10.2312/EGVE/EGVE01/165-174Software for the development and generation of virtual environments used to run on specialized and expensive hardware. This situation has dramatically changed in the last two years. This paper describes a scalable high performance application platform for immersive environments using commodity hardware. Scalability will be obtained with a coarse cluster of specialized nodes, with emphasis on distributed real-time rendering. As data synchronization method a distributed shared memory approach is used. Dedicated to this hardware setup, a modular component oriented design is presented.Towards a Scalable High Performance Application Platform for Immersive Virtual Environments