Liu, ZhanPingII, Robert James MoorheadD. Ebert and P. Brunet and I. Navazo2014-01-302014-01-3020021-58113-536-X1727-5296 (Unsteady Flow Line Integral Convolution) is an effective texture synthesis technique to visualize unsteady flow with enhanced temporal coherence, but it is time-consuming to generate. This paper presents an accelerated algorithm, called AUFLIC (Accelerated UFLIC), to speed up the UFLIC generation. Our algorithm saves, re-uses, and updates pathlines in the value scattering processes. A flexible seeding strategy is introduced so that a seed particle may be directly extracted from the previous scattering processes to make best use of the saved pathline so as to reduce computationally expensive pathline integration calculations. A dynamic activation-deactivation scheme is employed to maintain the fewest necessary pathlines. Avoiding excessive pathlines achieves acceleration and nearly-constant memory consumption. With very low memory cost, AUFLIC cuts UFLIC generation time nearly in half without any image quality degradation.AUFLIC: An Accelerated Algorithm For Unsteady Flow Line Integral Convolution