Aparicio, SofiaLousada, RodrigoPires, PedroGonçalves, DanielFerreira, AlfredoMadeiras Pereira, João and Raidou, Renata Georgia2019-06-022019-06-022019978-3-03868-088-8https://doi.org/10.2312/eurp.20191151https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/eurp20191151Nobel Prizes tendencies can be an essential indicator of country development. The main objective of this work is to enable the visualization of the evolution of the chemistry and physics Nobel Prizes according to spatial, temporal, and relationship dimensions. To validate the conceptual proposal, we prototyped a visual dashboard that considers elements such as geography, age, and top-winning universities, throughout the years. While still work in progress, the proposed visualization allows the observation of several factors regarding Nobel Prize winners, namely some imbalances in gender, geographic distribution, and universities. We believe that further development will provide more valuable insights.Humancentered computingGraphical user interfacesInteraction design process and methodsVisualization theoryconcepts and paradigmsVisualization toolkitsVisual Mapping of Nobel Prizes10.2312/eurp.2019115181-83