Ware, ColinSamsel, FrancescaRogers, David H.Navratil, PaulMohammed, AyatKerren, Andreas and Garth, Christoph and Marai, G. Elisabeta2020-05-242020-05-242020978-3-03868-106-9https://doi.org/10.2312/evs.20201047https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/evs20201047In scientific visualization there is sometimes a requirement for two colormaps to be used to represent two co-registered scalar fields. One solution is to represent one of the fields as a continuous colormapped image, and the second field by means of a dense distribution of small glyphs overlaid on the background image and coded using a different colormap. This requires the design of pairs of colormaps which each can be easily read, but which minimally interfere with one another. Colormap pairs separated according to lightness, saturation and hue, were designed and evaluated using both a key accuracy task and a pattern identification task. The saturation separation pair (one colormap having high saturation and the other low saturation) was the best overall.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseH.5.2 [Information Systems]User InterfacesEvaluation/methodology H.m [User/Machine Systems]MiscellaneousColormappingDesigning Pairs of Colormaps for Visualizing Bivariate Scalar Fields10.2312/evs.2020104749-53