Hama, LayikRuddle, Roy A.Paton, DouglasRita Borgo and Wen Tang2014-12-152014-12-152014978-3-905674-70-5https://doi.org/10.2312/cgvc.20141207This paper describes a tablet-based application to be used by novice geologists for taking geological measurements during fieldwork. The application was implemented on an iPad2. Both our app and the FieldMove Clino iOS app (from Midland Valley, a well-known geophysics software company) were compared with ground truth measurements taken using a Silva compass clinometer. The results show that the dip angle measurements taken using the iPad2 device are accurate, but dip direction measurements not of acceptable accuracy. However, the results indicate that the iOS Core Location method could be combined with multiple measurements to provide acceptable accuracy.Geological Orientation Measurements using an iPad: Method Comparison