Huebner, W.Lux-Mulders, G.Muth, M.2015-10-052015-10-0519871017-4656 paper presents the design of THESEUS, a system for programming graphical user interfaces especially targetted at the area of software engineering. Starting with the special needs and requirements that arise in this area, the design alternatives for such a system - abstraction level of the programming interface, division of control and dialogue specification - are discussed. The decisions that resulted in the layer model of THESEUS are substantiated. THESEUS offers an application-oriented programming interface supporting a user interface with multiple windowing, graphics and modem interaction techniques. The dialogue control mechanisms,' event driven input management and the definition of hierarchical object-oriented output are described in detail. Experience with a first implementation is also presented.Designing a System to Provide Graphical User Interfaces: The THESEUS Approach10.2312/egtp.19871024