Pegoraro, VincentParker, Steven G.Norishige Chiba and Eric Galin2014-01-272014-01-2720063-905673-38-X1816-0867 rendering fires is a challenging problem due to the various subtle ways in which the electromagnetic waves interact with this complex participating medium. We present a new method for physically-based rendering of flames from detailed simulations of flame dynamics which accounts for their unique characteristics. Instead of relying on ad-hoc models, we build on fundamental molecular physics to compute the spectrally dependent absorption, emission and scattering properties of the various chemical compounds found in the fire. Combined with a model of the refractive process, and with tone-mapping techniques simulating the visual adaptation of a human observer, we are able to generate highly realistic renderings of various types of flames, including colorful flames containing chemical species with very characteristic spectral properties.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism - Ray-tracingPhysically-Based Realistic Fire Rendering