Horii, MoekiYamazaki, AzusaKuratomo, NokoZempo, KeiichiTheophilus TeoRyota Kondo2022-11-292022-11-292022978-3-03868-192-21727-530Xhttps://doi.org/10.2312/egve.20221297https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/egve20221297Interaction opportunities in virtual environments (VE), such as stores and events using virtual reality (VR), are increasing, and advertisements for brand recognition may be introduced to VE in the future. The objective of this research is to find a way to display advertisements in a VE that is more likely to attract the attention of consumers. Additionally, this study investigates the differences in consumer reactions depending on the advertisement's display method. In the experiment, VR customer avatars who hold shopping bags were walking in a store. Fictitious Logos were attached to each shopping bag. Each type of logo was presented in four different ways. From the results of the questionnaires, the display method that attracted the participants' eyes using temporal dilation, such as footprints that disappear over time, was significantly more memorable than the methods that did not use it. In addition, the mean of the impressive value of the blue logo, which is close to the color of the floor, was smaller than that of the other color's logos at the one percent level of significance in 3D + footprint display. This also revealed that it is necessary to use a conspicuous color that will not be buried in background colors, such as the floor color.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Human-centered computing -> Virtual reality; Information systems -> Display advertisingHuman centered computingVirtual realityInformation systemsDisplay advertisingEffect of Spatial and Temporal Dilation of a Brand Logo Printed on a VR Shopping Bag10.2312/egve.2022129721-222 pages