Turner, Martin J.Morris, TimSandoval, MarioTao Ruan Wan and Franck Vidal2017-09-212017-09-212017978-3-03868-050-5https://doi.org/10.2312/cgvc.20171274https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/cgvc20171274This short extended abstract investigates human-computer interactions in relation to a specific Six Degree of Freedom (6DoF) input device; described is the driver development and calibration required for a novel piece of hardware; and after initial user tests and a questionnaire of satisfaction, we consider areas for further research. This abstract concludes with a discussion of the design and use of dual-6DoF input devices and from feedback how new interaction modes will be exploited.Information Interfaces and PresentationUser InterfacesComputer GraphicsPicture/Image GenerationApplication packagesMethodology and TechniquesComputational Geometry and Object Modeling12DoF Interaction for Scientific Visualisation10.2312/cgvc.2017127419-21